Here’s where you can sign up to receive frequent emails from me. By “frequent”, I mean “almost daily”.
Since I’m running this site to show retirees how to make some extra money, you will receive marketing emails (in other words, I’ll try to sell you something). I’ll also provide good information in most emails. Please don’t sign up for emails if you’re not OK with this.
To put it another way, if you sign up for my email list, you agree to receive frequent marketing emails from me.
Just fill out the form below and click “Submit” to get started:
After you submit the form, check your email. You will receive an email with the subject line “Confirm Your Subscription”. You must click the link in this email to confirm your subscription; otherwise, you will not receive emails. I do this because it’s easy for others to abuse your email address and I only send email to people who have confirmed that they own the email address they used in the form. Thanks for your help in fighting email abuse.